Amazon has become the largest online store with annual sales and profits that defeat large retailers in the past 10 years. It only took 4 years to Amazon for the transition from the online bookstore Jeff Bezo managing inside the small Seattle apartment to get $ 61 billion in income a year. Initially it was called Cadabra but so Bezo online chose the name Amazon to provide honor to the Amazon of the legendary nation of women's soldiers in Greek mythology. Bezos's current wealth is $ 28 billion in 2013. But another key player in helping Amazon Catapult is Joy Covey who died after being killed in a cycling accident. He survived his son Tyler Covey. 50 years old is the company's main financial officer.
Education: Harvard Law and Business graduation 1990.
Birthday: 1963
Birthplace: San Mateo, California
Children: Tyler 8 years old
Covey Husband: In 1995 he met her husband when he worked for Avid in Boston Massachusetts. He is a doctor and they immediately fall in love. He left his training and moved to Silicon Valley with him before he joined Amazon. The couple has three houses, the houses they buy in Seattle, a city house in Belmont, California and a ski house in Park City, Utah. They married November 1999 two dozen guests driving a snow car to an open place in the Wasatch Utah where Covey, in black jeans, sweaters and veils, riding oath. After that, they retreated to the ski lodge for lunch. They then have a Tyler son in 2005.Net Worth: $125 millionJoy Covey joined the egendary company in 1996 when the company was not so hot. It was the early days of retail online and it was Covey's work to convince investors to include more money into the company. Jeff Bezos still operates the online site inside his apartment and Covey goes to Wall Street and conveys the company's messages and goals to people who are still in the dark about the whole concept. Amazon is then an unfavorable company but Covey is able to lure hundreds of investors who raise companies from the ground. It is a very difficult job for Covey when the company will go through a shaky financial stage. He still kept investors on the board during Amazon's financial decline in the 90s. Amazon Go Public on May 14, 1997, with the price of an initial public offering $ 18. Shares closed yesterday at a record $ 312.06. After leaving the company in 2000 Ms. Covey continued to hold the title along with vice president and other executive offices to leave the Seattle giants in April 2000.
Amazon initially only sold books. Bezos sit and make a list of 20 products that will sell online. He previously read the article about Online Trade Projection. It is believed that e-commerce can grow 2,500% in the 90s and Bezos see opportunities.
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